Build your own world

Last October, when I was initially undergoing an academic training – IELTS test – in an attempt to study abroad. I experienced plenty of learning strategies in order to find the shortest way to archive goals.

Distance and difference are the secret tonics of creativity.

– Jonah Lehrer –

I usually enjoy a nice cup of coffee whenever I’m in need of attention _ The coffee house Hoa Su

In the beginning, I stopped by a vintage coffee shop nearby, a little self-imposed solitude and temporary captivity on the second floor within 4 months. And you know what, I enjoyed captivity that brings a myriad of positive feeling for my creativity. I realized that where we chose to work still has a huge impact on the work we do. In other words, setting an ideal working space is extremely important to outcomes.

This desk can be seen as a perfect base of my learning process _ Jenny Coffee| Bau Cat 2

At some point, when you want to work effectively, you have to leave home. Your brain gets too comfortable in your everyday surroundings. You need to make it uncomfortable. You need to spend some time in another land, among people that do things differently than you. Travel helps the world look news, and when the world looks new, our own brains work harder. All you need to be productive is a place that feeds you – creatively, socially, spiritually, and literally.

Even if you set up a new home, you still need to leave it sometimes, you might need to just move on.

The first day of the diary

Hey friends,

Happy Tuesday! I’m writing this email from a small coffee shop next to my apartment where I usually spend time studying and browsing whatever for my amenities. Just at a moment, the idea of writing an email newsletter with some thoughts, life lessons, interesting stories have crossed my mind, and I want to share it for you – my beloved ones. Hopefully, It could be received many positive feedbacks from all of you guys.

When I appear in front of a cluster, my default state is to stay in my own head and feel hesitant to talk to people. But there is a quote that I like to tell myself that goes along the line.

People are friendly, but you have to go first.

For that reason, I want to “go first” and start with a short story to brief some interesting stories I discovered in a week. Last Sunday, I spent a whole day on making Kim-chi and Che Troi Nuoc with my gang, who are crazy about some of my Kim-Chi pictures. We had a 5-hour coach journey to prepare several fundamental materials and prime steps which were hosted by my guide. Besides that, this was a great chance for my friends to show up their memorable kinds of music which has a profound impact on their mind during high school.

There are some positive feedbacks from my team

We ended up the workshop by enjoying our beautiful dishes and taking home a few Kim-chi packs. I was astounded that Kim-chi was completely perfect due to a flurry of complementation then. Thank my team for working so hard for this tiny fun. And if you are a big fan of Kim-Chi, we will do it together someday.

This week, I recently downloaded a new book for my Kindle namely “Show your work!”. I hope to find the quote helpful to remember; and definitely, once I find it, you guys will be the first one to know.

By the way, just sharing for having more fun. Let me know your idea, I will back on next week

Have a nice day!



I’m Giap. I’m a Master’s student in International Air Transport Operations and Management at ENAC, Toulouse. My focus is on Airthworthiness, Safety, Quality Control, Training and Maintenance management.

September 2022———————–

I officially graduate from my MoS at ENAC. Meanwhile, I am working for Vietnam Aviation Academy where I play the role as a training monitor for 10 military-pilots at ENAC.

I am looking for a full-time job related to my domain in France. The job is expected to start on the middle of November 2022

I can speak fluently English at level C1, and communicate in-daily life with French.

November 2022——————-

I have started my job in Toulouse since November 2022 as an Airworthiness Engineer. On behalf of Airbus, I support the Continued Airworthiness team as a focal point between Airbus and Airlines, EASA and National Authorities. This job brings me a great opportunity to connect with experts and understand the working procedures from the sight of aeroplane manufacturers and also from the perspective of aviation authorities.

On this site, I am going to post articles, thoughts, blogs, aerospace engineering, life lessons that come from my practical experiences.

Le talent ou la passion n’est pas tout, c’est la persévérance et les efforts qui nous aideront à réussir