Build your own world

Last October, when I was initially undergoing an academic training – IELTS test – in an attempt to study abroad. I experienced plenty of learning strategies in order to find the shortest way to archive goals.

Distance and difference are the secret tonics of creativity.

– Jonah Lehrer –

I usually enjoy a nice cup of coffee whenever I’m in need of attention _ The coffee house Hoa Su

In the beginning, I stopped by a vintage coffee shop nearby, a little self-imposed solitude and temporary captivity on the second floor within 4 months. And you know what, I enjoyed captivity that brings a myriad of positive feeling for my creativity. I realized that where we chose to work still has a huge impact on the work we do. In other words, setting an ideal working space is extremely important to outcomes.

This desk can be seen as a perfect base of my learning process _ Jenny Coffee| Bau Cat 2

At some point, when you want to work effectively, you have to leave home. Your brain gets too comfortable in your everyday surroundings. You need to make it uncomfortable. You need to spend some time in another land, among people that do things differently than you. Travel helps the world look news, and when the world looks new, our own brains work harder. All you need to be productive is a place that feeds you – creatively, socially, spiritually, and literally.

Even if you set up a new home, you still need to leave it sometimes, you might need to just move on.

Social activities

Hi there! I hope you have a nice week with a great deal of positive energy

I had a new role this week since my younger sister has gone to Hanoi capital in order to complete her training course. For that reason, I have to replace her role by taking care of boxing learners at home. Well, I was confused at first whether I can do as my sister. I tried to remember every Crossfit classes with personal trainers, and imitate their moves, lessons combined with a great deal of time on browsing the internet, which finally applied to this class. It was amazing because I can learn the vast majority of knowledge from reading a dozen articles that seem effective for a while. Besides that, I also start to record all of the training results of students in a note which will be referenced in the next time, it has seemed to work smoothly so far.

My yard was full of students

In addition, I am planning to launch a small social project focusing on helping vulnerable people especially children and lonely elderly people. At this moment – the first step, I sent a number of proposals to friends, co-workers in order to receive supports from donors. Luckily, my biggest supporters would love this idea, then even some sent money to me with no doubt after reading my messages. According to my life, I attended thousands of social campaigns and I realize that we don’t need to do a massive social project like run a huge fund-raising donation, each contribution has their own values even a tiny share. Everything brings positive contributions to human lives whatever it could be, those should be encouraged to flourish. I know that my action is only a small effort along with a myriad of voluntary projects that you can easily find. However, I just want to give the small group of poor people a hand on crossing the hustle and bundle of life and cultivate a positive and sympathetic attitude to others that are preceded for creating more social projects in the future.

Regarding this website, I’m trying to build the best version. So I really appreciate if I can listen to more feedback and advice from you.

Adorable student

I really love it, my dear

The rainy season of this year seems to be longer than before which brings a flurry of rain to this small village – my parents’ house. The morning is usually soothing due to the remaining water of previous rains making the atmosphere comfortable. As usual, I always start a new day with a cup of coffee and listen to news besides the small door of my room. Suddenly, one of my youngest students has come in front of my door and then he gave me a small gift made by himself. I was surprised by this generous gift – a paint of a house with some hearts. However, I wonder why the message on this paint is ” con yêu quý mẹ nhiều – I love mom so much”. Where is me here? I was asking him seriously

By the way, this is one of the cutest things of this week. I love his gift, and I also love seeing others forgive by heart.

The week of good news

Hi mates,

Nice day!

Firstly, I have a piece of good news to tell you on this email that came from last Tuesday night. When I had a chance to meet up with many talented students at Campus France to celebrate the Ambrasy scholarship by the French Government in 2020, which provides my learning process with some financial and social benefits. You know, I can’t describe my feeling at that time by any words, the only thing I remember is that I looked around timidly to try to make friends with others nearby. And I have to say that this award is likely to encourage me on studying hard in the next 2 following years of my Master’s program.

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