Wisdom teeth extraction – Some useful tips

When I was a child, under 9 years old, I had a retentive memory with dentists that goes along my mind until now. At that time, my mom brought me to see a doctor with a sweet lie that she would buy some ice-creams and candies for me if I obey. I still remember it was a rainy day, a boy had to face with plenty of medical machines that he had never imagined . A young-lady dentist, a medical assistant easily removed 2 front teeth from him within 10 minutes, but the horrible nightmare still exists in his life so far.

Over years, this week, that boy – it’s me, had to come back to remove both wisdom teeth stayed deeply in my bottom mouth bone. Well, I have to say that this is one of the most painful experiences I’ve ever have in my life, 1-and-a-haft-hour minor surgery at my provincial hospital. I know that almost every people have a nightmare facing dentists. Thus, I want to list out some helpful tips that come from my real experience, and I hope it can be useful to help you, who are positively preparing to do.

This is my X-ray photo, the wisdom teeth haven’t grown further yet, so it’s really challenging to me and doctors. The read circle was seen as the harder than other.

Before the surgery


At first, before the surgery a few days, you should ensure that you will be able to take leave from work at least 3 days in order to make sure your complete recovery. In my opinion, medical treatment should be combined with the weekend, so you may prolong days of rest.

I completely recovered for 10 days


– If the price is not a big concern, I highly recommend a high-quality dental clinic. It is undeniable that a fantastic service with qualified dentists will bring many advantages for you during and after the medical treatment. I think the price may be around 1-3 million VND each tooth depend on locations, brand names and reputation.

– In contrast, you might get some money off the price if it is a community hospital. This is my choice

After the surgery

Just after the surgery, the amount of amour mixed with blood will tear out in your mouth. you should find a bag handing ice to apply to your cheek. This action will help you stop the tearing of amour. In addition, you should take pills immediately according to doctors prescription.

In the following days, consolidated blood located at your injury which will make your cheek swell. One tip that I used is applying hot water or hot eggs to my cheeks. It worked very well.

What I ate?

– Vegetables: Rau ma, Carrot juice

Rau ma juice

– Rice soup with crushed pork, eggs.

What I didn’t eat ?

– Rau muong

– Sticky rice

– Chicken skin.

I did simultaneously 2 teeth in both sides, so I can’t eat anything hard for a week because I don’t want to meet the dentists anymore. If you want to enjoy some foods, or you may have a party soon, the idea of doing at one side may be valuable. But you have to come back to remove the opposite one next time. You know, this is your choice. I hope you will conquer this better than me.

My recovery period

The first day: The surgery took place in the morning. Just after 2 hours of the surgery, it’s really uncomfortable, I get high fever, hurt in both sides of mouth, and I can’t sleep for a whole afternoon. I get a lot of humour and blood teared out. It’s unstoppable. I clean by sucking with Povidine 10%

At night, just eat rice soup and a bit carrot juice, I slept quite early after taken pills.

The second day: My mouth was swell considerably, can’t open front teeth. It’s a bit better, but I still hurt. I drink Rau Ma Juice a lot. I clean my mouth by Natri Clorid 0,9% many times after meals. I apply hot water bag in both sides, it works.

The third day: It was swell more than the second day, but not that hurt as the previous days. I continue eat rice soup and drink Rau Ma juice.

The fourth day: I have a mistake that I took a cup of coffee. I’m dizzy a lot, so I take a lot of water.

The fifth day: I started to eat rice and soft foods, 60% recovery

The sixth day: I was numb when I drink cold water, 70% recovery

One week: I went to hospital to remove wires, a bit hurt,

10 days after the surgery: I can eat normally, but I’m numb sometimes when I eat too cold or hot foods. 95% recovery

Total expense: 35$ ( 5$ X-ray, 15$ per tooth)

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